Monday, October 4, 2010

Read 'n' Seed 1: Green From the Ground Up

Title: Green From the Ground Up by David Johnston and Scott Gibson
Summary: The book is about how to build a house from the ground up using forward thinking theories and methods for buidling energy efficient homes using the best green materials.
Why I chose this book: This book really interested me because there is so many things that can be done in our own homes to better the environment, reduce the bills, and make it last longer. Construction is something that I am not an expert in but a field that I am very interested in.
Info: I borrowed the book from my roommate who works on a construction crew but here is some links to information about the author, book review, and where you can purchse it yourself. Green From the Ground Up
Book Details: There are about 320 pages and 16 chapter to the book. I will dividing it 4 ways 4 chapters at a time.


  1. I'm interested to hear about what the different theories and methods are and how effective they have been. Does the book mention financial costs at all? As in how much it costs to build the home and how much energy and money will be saved once it's built?

  2. This book looks really interesting. It would be cool to know if the price to build an eco-friendly home is more or less than just a regular house. But there's also the thought that the cost of the house might be more but the savings over time make it equal to just buying any house on the market. I look forward to seeing your future posts.

  3. This sounds interesting and goes well with what we learned about when we visited the outdoor classroom. I look forward to finding out more.

  4. I am also interested in the cost benefit o loss. The outdoor classroom seemed to be somewhat cost-friendly, but are all green houses that way?

  5. Casey,
    This seems like a very interesting book. It will be neat to see what you can do to build "green"
